Gary Brainerd, PhD Apps

Relationship Help APP 4.1.2
Relationship-Help APP is designed to be usedbycouples and relationship professionals.For relationship professionals, this app will help yousupportand guide your couples with homework assignments, skillspracticeand encouragement.For couples, this app will help you learn the tools requiredtohave a successful relationship.This APP was developed by Gary Brainerd PhD, a licensedClinicalPsychologist and a Licensed Marriage and Family TherapistinSouthern California. This APP is also a companion to theCouplesWorkstation, an online platform that helps couples work ontheirrelationship in the quiet privacy of their home or office.This APP is for you if-• You're in an intimate, committed relationship and wanttounderstand and improve your relationship• You're in couples therapy and want support and guidancebetweensessions.• You want a better way to talk with your partner aboutimportantideas, problems or hurts.• You're experiencing relationship hurts and frustrations andarenot quite ready to see a professional.• You're a therapist who wants to give your clientsrelationshipassignments and support between sessions• You're a couple who wants to go beyond information and talktointelligent actionThis Relationship-Help APP will help you...• Focus on building the positive side of your relationship• Provide solutions to the most frequent problemscouplesexperience including...- Arguing and bickering more than seems good – more than twiceamonth- You and your partner are so distant that you fear you canneverreally connect or feel close again.- One or both of you are way to defensive- You keep hurting each other, usually inadvertentlyandsometimes out of anger.• Deal with difficult relationship challenges in an effectiveandkind way.• Learn what to do when you get triggered instead of reactingorwithdrawing.• And more!How to use this APP• Read What to Do First• When you get triggered, hurt or upset, call a time-outandlisten to the Transformation Process to calm you, helpyouunderstand more clearly the depth of your feelings and developanaction plan• Use the APP 24-7 to learn and practice criticalrelationshipskills• Listen to or read an article a week to gain key insightsintoyour relationship• Learn how to identify ways that will make your partnerfeeldeeply loved and enjoyed by you• Access professional help and additional resources asneeded